Ernia. Read about hernia pain, types of hernias, surgery, surgery complications, and treatment. Hernias usually occur in the groin, stomach, or belly button.
Ernia del disco lombare. Trattamento microchirurgico - YouTube (Mario Anderson)
Learn about the different types of hernia from Cleveland Clinic, including symptoms, causes, treatment (including hernia surgery options) and prevention. The protrusion may extend outside the body or between cavities within the body, as when loops of intestine escape. Abdominal hernia symptoms and signs include pain and swelling in the abdomen or groin Read about hernia surgery, repair, recovery time, complications, and the different.
They're caused by a combination of muscle weakness and strain.
Rhymes: -ɜː(r)niə. hernia (plural hernias or herniae or herniæ). (pathology) A disorder in which a part of the body protrudes abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part.
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Hernias usually occur in the groin, stomach, or belly button. The protrusion may extend outside the body or between cavities within the body, as when loops of intestine escape. Per ernia (dal greco ἔρνος, èrnos, "germoglio", "bocciolo") si intende la fuoriuscita di un viscere dalla cavità che normalmente lo contiene, attraverso un orifizio, un canale anatomico o comunque una soluzione di continuo.