Cecil Rhodes. Cecil Rhodes was a politician cum businessman who founded the diamond company De Beers. Cecil Rhodes, financier, statesman, and empire builder of British South Africa.
How Diamonds Destroyed a People | History News Network (Mollie Moran)
The controversial statue of Cecil Rhodes at a University of Oxford college is set to be removed following anti-racist protests. Cecil Rhodes's statue on the steps of the University of Cape Town has now been boarded up. Information on the ancestors of Cecil John Rhodes has been gleaned from trees on Ancestry.co.uk, researched by G A Hood.
The controversial statue of Cecil Rhodes at a University of Oxford college is set to be removed following anti-racist protests.
Cecil Rhodes, financier, statesman, and empire builder of British South Africa.
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Cape to Cairo Railway
Cecil John Rhodes, South African statesman, is born ...
John Cecil Rhodes: Imperialism - muafrica
Cecil Rhodes - Wikiquote
Dinge en Goete (Things and Stuff): Short Biography of ...
"Rhodes Must Fall" | Western Spring
Embrace Rhodes's statue, it's a reminder of the past and ...
Oxford scholars reject hypocrisy claims amid row over ...
I am an English-born South African businessman, miner, and politician. Cecil Rhodes was a politician cum businessman who founded the diamond company De Beers. I am the founder of the famous De Beers Diamond Company.